Yay :>
I've been browsin' the new site for a good half hour now, and I have to say, it looks loads better than it did before. And, there's even a city in the background of this textbox. Wow. My only complaint is that at the moment, it seems to be running pretty damn slow. I'm typing way too fast for the cursor to keep up, haha.
The real reason for this post is to tell you all that Base 17 Chapter 3 is being worked on as we speak. I have less time to work on it, but, the character animation and backgrounds are tons better than it was before. Even my fbf has gotten better, so the next action scene shouldn't make you cringe. Too much, anyway.
I'm planning on adding a better menu for Chapter 3, and, an Extras section. There are a couple of Base 17 related (Well, I used the characters) animations that I think are pretty amusing. I also want to add movie control buttons. No idea how, so if you have a good tutorial or something, please drop me a PM. I checked Google (For about two minutes, lawl) but they only worked for Quicktime movies.
Damn, this thing is slow.
But man does it look sweet!