I haven't said that in awhile. 'Oh snap.' Crackle and pop.
Done with all animation for Base 17 Ch.3. I'm happy. All that's left are like six backgrounds, shading, music/sound effects, lipsync/voice actor lines, camera work, and credits. It's not as much as it seems, really, since music and sound effects is a pretty painless process. So are camera work and credits. Only the backgrounds and lipsync will take any real time.
I don't know what to do next, though. While I'll certainly work on Ch.4, I want to do a different animation. Oh, wait, I'm in a collab. Ha. Maybe I'll go collab hunting! Join a bunch of 'em and stuff! Yeah! I WILL. Originally I wanted to create a short movie, but eh. No ideas.
I have the next three weeks off; if I can finish in that time, I'll be shocked.